Latest FAQs from HNA

Handicaps News 
October 2019
Dear Golfer,

This month we answer some of the most common queries we have received since the important Handicap Changes were introduced on the 1st of October 2019 as part of the process of moving towards the adoption of the World Handicap System in January 2020.
In particular, we focus on Registered Rounds and the 9-Hole Course Handicap.
Summary of the changes that came into effect on 1 October 2019:

1. Average of the best 8 of the last 20 Score Differentials for HI calculation
2. Maximum Score allowed on a hole changed to Net Double Bogey (Zero Stableford points)
3. Introduction of a 9-Hole Course Handicap
4. Revised 9-Hole score differential calculation
5. Revision of the most likely score for holes not completed
6. 24 hours to enter a score before receiving a penalty
7. Golfers are required to ensure a round is Registered / Opened before playing and before entering a score
8. Changes to the determination of exceptional scores
9. The maximum Handicap Index changed to 54 for men and women
For more detail about these changes, click here.
Registered rounds
As part of the move to the World Handicap System, golfers are required to ensure that a round has been registered / opened on the handicap system before they play. 
In the event that golfers open a round on the club terminal, HNA website or phone app after the round has been completed, the round will be flagged by the handicap system and reported to the club handicap committee. 
What is the Registered Rounds Percentage?
The Registered Rounds Percentage indicates how many of a golfer's last 20 scores were opened before playing.
How do I register a round?
Where possible, this should be done by the club before you play, but players can also open the round on the club handicap terminal, the HNA website or otheir HNA phone App.
Please note that the onus is on the player to get their rounds registered.
Can I open my round on the new ‘Events’ and ‘My Fourball’ sections of the app?
No, you will still need to open your round in one of the normal ways, as mentioned above.
When will the Registered Rounds Percentage be calculated?
The Registered Rounds Percentage will be computed at the end of each day.
Does my Registered Rounds Percentage affect my Handicap Index?
Not unless the Club Handicap Committee finds that you have been manipulating your handicap.
9-Hole Course Handicaps
At many courses there is a significant difference in the degree of difficulty between the two nines, and this is reflected in the Course Rating and Slope Rating of each nine. So a player who plays nine holes at these courses has a different Course Handicap on each and this ensures that the player receives the correct number of handicap strokes for each nine.
How come my Course Handicap for 9 holes is so much lower than my Course Handicap for 18 holes?
It is only a 9-hole handicap and indicates how many strokes you receive for the nine holes to be played.

How are the strokes for 9-hole rounds allocated?
Your 9-Hole Course Handicap represents the number of strokes you are allocated for the nine holes that you play. For example, if you have a 9-Hole CH of 7, then you would stroke on the lowest 7 strokes (ie. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 & 13) and allow yourself a single stroke on each of those holes.

If you have a CH that's higher than 9 – say, 12 – then you'll double stroke on the three holes with the lowest strokes (ie. 1, 3 & 5) and receive a single stroke on each of the other holes. If you have a CH that's higher than 18 – say, 20 – then you'll triple stroke on the two holes with the lowest strokes (ie. 1 & 3) and receive two strokes on each of the other holes.
The recent changes to the handicap system have been well received and implemented and South Africa is proud to be one of the leading federations in the move to the World Handicap System, which will officially launch worldwide on
1 January 2020.
If you have any questions about the recent handicap changes or the World Handicap System, please contact us on
Have you tried the new HNA Handicaps & Tournament App?
We have recently launched the new Premium version of the HNA Handicaps & Tournament App and it comes with plenty of awesome new features to amplify your golf experience.
The most exciting new addition is our Tournament Scoring feature, complete with live scoring, which allows you to set up your own public or private tournament. It's ideal for tournament organisers or for your annual golf tour with your mates.
In addition, premium users of the App can track their statistics, follow the handicaps of friends and access their national and club rankings.
If you have put the Tournament Scoring feature to the test, we would love to hear some feedback from you. What worked, what needs improvement – you tell us, by emailing