Must know rules of GUR

We all recognise GUR when a white circle has been drawn around course damage, perhaps with a sign stuck in the middle, but in which of the following situation may a player take relief from GUR?

When their ball lies…
a)    … in a deep tyre rut made by a course maintenance vehicle?
b)    … outside of an area marked as GUR, where one foot of the natural stance is inside the margin?
c)    …in a crack in parched earth behind a putting green?
d)    … behind the sawn down stump of a tree?
e)    … outside of an area marked as GUR but in a position where overhanging branches of a tree rooted in GUR interferes with the intended area of swing?
f)    … against a pile of wood logs that have been stacked in the process of sawing the trunk and branches from a fallen tree.
g)    … in a hole from where a distance post has been removed and left lying alongside.
h)    … just overhanging a white line defining GUR.

a)    No relief. Decision 25/16.
b)    Relief is available. Rule 25-1a.
c)    No relief. Decision 25/12.
d)    No relief. Decision 25/8.
e)    Relief is available. Definition of Ground Under Repair. Trees and other growing thing within the ground under repair are part of the ground under repair.
f)    Relief is available. Definition of Ground Under Repair. Ground under repair includes material piled for removal, even if not so marked.
g)    Relief is available. Definition of Ground Under Repair. Ground under repair includes a hole made by a greenkeeper, even if not so marked.
h)    Relief is available. Definition of Ground Under Repair. When the margin of ground under repair is defined by a line on the ground, the line itself is in the ground under repair.